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Query Service

Informational endpoints

Event Names Endpoint

  • URL: /api/info/eventNames
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves a list of all event names available in the system.
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: An array of event names in JSON format.

Example Response Body:


Attributes Endpoint

  • URL: /api/info/attributes
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves a list of all attributes available in the system.
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: An array of attributes in JSON format.

Example Response Body:

"event": {
"platform": ["web", "mobile"],
"browser": ["chrome", "firefox"],
"country": ["US", "UK", "CA"]
"user": {
"age_group": ["18-24", "25-34", "35-44"],
"gender": ["male", "female"]

Data Endpoints

Events Endpoint

  • URL: /api/query/events
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves aggregated event data based on specified query parameters.
  • Request Body:
    • dateRange (object): Object containing information about the date range for the query.
      • timeUnit (string): The time unit for aggregation (e.g., "hour", "day", "month").
      • previous (number): The number of previous time units to include in the query.
    • eventName (string): Optional. The name of the event to filter by.
    • aggregationType (string): The type of aggregation for the data (e.g., "total", "sum").
    • filters (object): Optional. Additional filters to apply to the query.
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: Aggregated event data in JSON format.

Example of url-encoded query parameters


Example of decoded query parameters:

"dateRange": {
"timeUnit": "day",
"previous": 7
"eventName": "login",
"aggregationType": "total",
"filters": {
"platform": "web"

Example Response Body:

"aggregationType": "total",
"timeUnit": "day",
"values": [
"total": 500,
"day": "2024-04-11"
"total": 550,
"day": "2024-04-12"
"total": 600,
"day": "2024-04-13"

Users Endpoint

  • URL: /api/query/users
  • Method: GET
  • Description: Retrieves aggregated user data based on specified query parameters.
  • Request Body:
    • dateRange (object): Object containing information about the date range for the query.
      • timeUnit (string): The time unit for aggregation (e.g., "hour", "day", "month").
      • previous (number): The number of previous time units to include in the query.
    • aggregationType (string): The type of aggregation for the data (e.g., "total", "sum").
    • filters (object): Optional. Additional filters to apply to the query.
  • Response:
    • Status Code: 200 OK
    • Body: Aggregated user data in JSON format.

Example of url-encoded query parameters:


Example of decoded query parameters:

"dateRange": {
"timeUnit": "month",
"previous": 1
"aggregationType": "total",
"filters": {
"country": "US"

Example Response Body:

"aggregationType": "total",
"timeUnit": "month",
"values": [
"total": 500,
"month": "2024-04"
"total": 550,
"month": "2024-05"